Dear Readers
Somehow, the Olympics in Beijing this year
have seemed out of reach. Is it because we
are not doing so well as a nation? I am in Perth
as I write this, attending the Clough board
meetings and the mood here is very different.
Newspapers and television are filled with
Olympics reporting and all the human interest
stories that go with winning and losing.
If we learn anything from the Beijing
Olympics, it must be that the status quo
is not relevant in a competitive world.
How good we are against our competitors
determines only the allocation of medals,
but how much better we are than our
past performance sets our standard for
future competition.
For Murray & Roberts, every year is an
Olympian challenge and this edition of
Robust coincides with the release of our
2008 financial results, which are filled with
new records and many medals. But there
have also been poor performances and some
failures, and those responsible have much
work to do to get back into shape.
We now employ more than 45 000 people
directly, who together with more than 45 000
subcontractor and other personnel worked
a total of 216 million hours under our care
during the year. We were successful in
lowering our lost time injury frequency rate
below our short term target of 3,0 in the year,
but 24 of our people were fatally injured in the
process. Eight of these were the consequence
of the South Deep mining disaster.
Five (20%) of our twenty five operating
companies did not deliver their budget
promise in the year, for other than market
reasons. One company ended the year in
a loss. We have already initiated corrective
actions and we expect better all-round
performance in the year ahead.
Our record order book of R55 billion sets
the challenge for sustainability in our constant
pursuit of both gold and new performance
records. This has set the regimen for
preparation of our capability and capacity for
profitable growth, where the whole is greater
than the sum of the parts but where each
part must deliver its mandate to the whole.
Our non-negotiable commitment to
sustainable earnings growth and value
creation is through the team performance of
Unitary Murray & Roberts.
Brian Bruce |