Impilo Yethu – Our Lives
Murray & Roberts launches a new internal communication platform
The Stop.Think campaign
was launched two years
ago to raise employee
awareness about safety in
the workplace. This was
achieved through a nationwide industrial
theatre roll-out supported by various
tools, including a safety bill of rights.
Now, a second phase of Stop.Think
has been introduced to reinforce safety
messages and forge a safety culture. The
Group’s commitment to Zero Harm has
been expanded to include the health of
employees and the natural environment
and a new platform has been designed
to communicate directly to the 44 000
employees on group worksites. Titled Impilo
Yethu, Zulu for ‘Our Lives’, it takes the form
of an animated print medium which has
initially centred on two characters, Devlin
and Jabu, who are illustrated in the different
Murray & Roberts operating environments
(construction, mining and fixed facility sites).
The campaign is designed to encourage
employees to look after themselves and
those around them, not only at work but
also in their private lives. Many incidents
occur on worksites as a direct result of
macro and social issues affecting people.
Each edition will feature a competition to
encourage employees to read and improve
their understanding of the messages
communicated. The next challenge will be
to get information from the workforce to
ensure effective communication.
This exciting initiative went live with the
July 2008 pay slips.
Client service
A bridge between the Group and its stakeholders
An initiative of the group CE,
Murray & Roberts Client
Service has been developed
by Gwendolene Lilleike.
Since 2003, calls received by
Client Service have increased from 1 000
to over 25 000 this year.
Client Service is led by Mabuse Hlalele,
who joined Murray & Roberts in May,
bringing with him extensive experience
in a range of client service functions.
Mabuse’s team is made up of Ernest
Motau, Lisa Stead, Michelle Lagerwall,
Odette Groom and Zodwa Tshabalala.
Their function is to collate information
and knowledge to enable a service to the
Group and its external environment.
The team interacts directly with internal
and external clients, by telephone and
email, within a 24-hour turnaround time.
They also provide front-line training
to the Group. Typical queries that are
managed by Client Service include
business development opportunities,
requests for operating company
information, recruitment, sales, research
and requests for brand material.
Client service puts Murray & Roberts
entities in contact with potential clients
or other interested parties and handles
queries that employees are not able
to answer.
Hlalele believes that client service
centres provide companies with a
valuable advantage in today’s competitive
business environment. “It’s no longer
enough to provide the consumer with
the best products. You have to support
your product range with a best service
approach by taking ownership of your
clients’ queries,” he says.
Contact Client Service at:
Tel: +27 11 456 1144
Fax: +27 11 637 0113 |