MARCH 2006
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Message from the CE

Dear Readers

Brian BruceIf we ever doubted our privilege to be South African, then surely we have reached a time in our development history where forward prospects hold immeasurably more interest and value than past reflections.

For Murray & Roberts and the domestic construction economy, we are experiencing the early stages of what we believe is a period of sustainable growth and opportunity, maybe extending for the next twenty years or more.

However, reflecting on the past can help us to frame our present and contemplate our future. To look for the signals and make the connections. I recently delivered a public presentation titled “A Story So Far” reflecting on the history, culture, organisation and strategy of Murray & Roberts over the past 100 years. It is a story of South Africa and our construction industry and points to a development future that holds exciting prospects for us all.

Murray & Roberts thrives in an environment of high growth and investment opportunity, where government and private clients invest in long term capital formation to meet future social-economic and production demand. In these times our leadership capacity and skilled resources enable us to convert optimism into delivery. In Rebuilding Murray & Roberts, we have been preparing ourselves for just this future.

Over the past six months, Murray & Roberts has secured a key leadership and partnership position in a number of major project partnerships. This edition of Robust offers a focus on this opportunity and challenge. You can expect many new and exciting initiatives in the Group as we build capacity to deliver our future and that of the key markets we serve. Many of these are focused around internal communication.

Our recent empowerment deal is featured in this edition and we have highlighted our client service capability, which is being expanded to serve you better. In the next issue we will feature our innovative approach to creating higher personal commitment to health and safety.

Brian Bruce